For the Love of Homemade Kits: February Kit Reveal & Recipe

Hi Friends!

Can you believe how quickly January flew by without even looking back? I hope that you loved seeing what I created with my January kit and that you enjoyed playing with your stash kit if you made one too! This month, we have a whole new recipe which means a whole new stash kit and even more inspiration. We have more friends joining us and can’t wait to show you what we have in store!

If you are new around here, this is a You Tube series that I do with some of my scrappy friends where we create a stash kit each month based upon the same “recipe” of items. Then, throughout the month, we share process videos of how we are using those items. You can expect to see a new kit reveal video on the 1st of each month (along with the coordinating recipe so that you can play along too!). We will then be sharing process videos every Monday throughout the month giving you an insider’s view into what we are creating with those supplies. Each and every month will bring a new kit, new recipe, and a whole lot of fun! I know that I have a huge stash of supplies that I just love and cannot wait to get creating with all of those goodies!

Without further ado, let me introduce you to the February 2020 recipe. They are super fun AND printable this year so that you can print out your own copy and play along! This would also be a great resource for packing for a retreat or crop in the future. You can also click on the top left corner and save it directly to your Pinterest boards!

February scrapbooking stash kit printable

Without further ado, here is my February kit….I started with the large multi-colored floral when designing my kit and highly recommend that you start there too! It makes it super easy to decide what colors and patterns to pull together into your kit.

scrapbooking stash kit

I am super excited to try my hand at altering that chipboard frame with acrylic paint and I am totally in love with those bright orange sequins!

scrapbooking stash kit 3

For all of the details on my kit and which companies all of these goodies came from, check out my kit reveal video over on You Tube by clicking below.

I hope that you enjoyed my interpretation and stash kit building based upon February’s recipe and I cannot wait to see what you come up with for your kit! Make sure to tag me on social media if you are playing along so that I can check out what you are making this month. Off I go to jump right in to creating with this kit…..

