Quick & Easy Family Craft: Valentine's Fortune Cookies

Hi Friends!

Today, I thought that I would take a few minutes and share a really fun DIY craft that you could easily do with your kids for Valentine’s Day next week. This is such a quick and easy craft using a bunch of supplies that you already have in your crafty scrapbooking stash.

Here’s all you need:

—a few pieces of Fun Foam (non-adhesive) that you can find at Dollar Tree, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, etc.

—a circular object to trace (mine is 4.5 inches but any size will work)

—the printable fortune cookies phrases (find those below)

—a stapler, Tiny Attacher, Glue Dots, or Sticky Squares (any adhesive will work!)

—optional: a stamp or two with permanent ink


fortune cookies 1

Once you have your supplies together, this project comes together SO easily that even your toddlers can be part of the fun. I put together a quick video to make it easier to follow along step-by-step but here are the basics:

Step One: Trace around your circular object (or stencil/template) onto the foam sheets and cut out the circles.

Step Two: Cut out the fortune cookies phrases that you want to use from the printable below.

fortune cookie. phrases

Step Three: Fold your circles into quarters so that you can find the center point. Insert your fortune cookie phrase into the middle.

Step Four: Fold the circle back into quarters and glue the open ends together.

Step Five: Flip the top edge over backwards and adjust to make sure it looks like a cookie!

**Optional—If you wish, stamp a few hearts, phrases, etc. on the foam before folding up to add a little more detail!

fortune cookie 2

This is a really cute, fun project for your family to do together or to use as part of a little chocolate gift or even as place settings at the dinner table.

Here’s the video to make those steps a whole lot easier:

I love quick and easy projects that use only supplies that I already have and can get my kids involved too! Please let me know if you enjoyed seeing this project as its a little something different but I have loads of ideas like this if you would like to see more!

As always, here is a fun graphic that you can use to add this project to your Pinterest board for easy reference later. You could certainly make these for any occasion. They definitely don’t have to be just for Valentine’s Day!

fortune cookie 3

